The following properties and management companies, to the best of our knowledge, have implemented no-smoking policies in one or more of their buildings. This registry was compiled through a network of community partnerships throughout NY that work with landlords and property owners to adopt smoke-free policies. It is by no means comprehensive and we welcome additions to this growing list.

To list a multi-unit residential property, please email with the name of the property, city and county. Note: Some of the policies grandfather current residents who are smokers for as long as they remain living in their apartment unit, therefore, transitioning to being totally smoke-free. To find a completely smoke-free building, be sure to ask about the specifics of the policy and whether any residents are allowed to smoke in the building.

idCounty/BoroughCity/VillageName of Complex/Management Company
1AlbanyAlbany11 S. Lake Avenue/ Jankow Companies
2AlbanyAlbany23 Winthrop Avenue
3AlbanyAlbany27 Western Avenue/Fairbank Properties
4AlbanyAlbany36 Parkwood Street
5AlbanyAlbany39 Columbia/Redburn Development
6AlbanyAlbany61 Columbia/Redburn Development
7AlbanyAlbany82 North Pearl/Redburn Development
8AlbanyAlbany199 South Allen - Paragon Residential Mgmt
9AlbanyAlbanyAbraxas at 90 State
10AlbanyAlbanyAlbany Housing Authority
11AlbanyAlbanyThe Arcade Building
12AlbanyAlbanyAspen Albany
13AlbanyAlbanyAt Hudson Park Luxury Apartments
14AlbanyAlbanyAtria Crossgate
15AlbanyAlbanyBeltrone Living Center
16AlbanyAlbanyBishop Broderick Apartments
17AlbanyAlbanyCapital Green Apartments
18AlbanyAlbanyCatholic Charities
19AlbanyAlbanyChestnut Street - Paragon Residential Mgmt
20AlbanyAlbanyClinton Avenue Apartments
21AlbanyAlbanyColonie Terrace Apartments
22AlbanyAlbanyCornerstone Luxury Apartments
23AlbanyAlbanyCrestwood Townhouses
24AlbanyAlbanyHawthorne Gardens
25AlbanyAlbanyHoly Wisdom Apartments
26AlbanyAlbanyIndustrie Apartments
27AlbanyAlbanyThe Kenmore
28AlbanyAlbanyThe Kennedy
29AlbanyAlbanyThe Knick
30AlbanyAlbanyLandmark Albany
31AlbanyAlbanyLivingston School Apartments
32AlbanyAlbanyMaiden House
33AlbanyAlbanyThe Mansion Initiative
34AlbanyAlbanyThe Massry Residence
35AlbanyAlbanyOhav Shalom Apartments
36AlbanyAlbanyPark Place at 60 State
37AlbanyAlbanyPark South Apartments
38AlbanyAlbanyThe Promenade at University Place
39AlbanyAlbanyThe Rise|Pine Hills
40AlbanyAlbanyShaker Run Apartments
41AlbanyAlbanySt. Sophia Apartments
42AlbanyAlbanySheridan Hollow Village
43AlbanyAlbanySwinburne Building
44AlbanyAlbanyThurlow Terrace Apartments
45AlbanyAlbanyTivoli Park Apartments
46AlbanyAlbanyWhitehall Court Senior Apartments
47AlbanyAlbanyWoodlake Apartments
48AlbanyAltamontBrandlewood Apartments
49AlbanyCohoes134 Remsen Street - Paragon Residential Mgmt
50AlbanyCohoesCayuga Plaza Apartments
51AlbanyCohoesCohoes Falls Apartments
52AlbanyCohoesCohoes Housing Authority
53AlbanyCohoesColumbia Crest Senior Apartments
54AlbanyCohoesThe Delaware
55AlbanyCohoesThe Lofts at Harmony Mills
56AlbanyCohoesMarjorie Doyle Rockwell Center
57AlbanyCohoesWarehouse 71
58AlbanyCohoesWaterside Senior Apartments
59AlbanyColonieAshfield Senior Living
60AlbanyColonieBrookdale at Colonie
61AlbanyColonieMohawk River Apartments
62AlbanyColonieResidences at the Crossings
63AlbanyDelmarAdams Station
64AlbanyDelmarAtria Delmar Place
65AlbanyDelmarDelmar Place Apartments
66AlbanyDelmarKenwood Manor at Good Samaritan Village
67AlbanyDelmarNormanskill Manor at Good Samaritan Village
68AlbanyDelmarThe Spinney at Van Dyke
69AlbanyGlenmontGlenmont Abbey Village